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This program works on Workbench 1.3, 2.04 and 3.0.
MrCopper Version 3.0
A little program which puts nice copper bars on the current screen
(i.e. Workbench), there are two ways to use it :
1 >>> Click on its icon and a window will appear with 13 buttons like :
[ << ] [ >> ] [ Exit ] [R] [G] [B] [xxx] [ ]
(1) (2) (3) (7) (8) [Go!]
[ ]
[ << ] [ >> ] [ About] [R] [G] [B] [xxx] [ ]
(4) (5) (6) (9) (10) (11)
1 and 2 ; Allow you to cycle through the preset colour sets.
The number on the left of button (1) is the current set.
3 ; Exits the program and leaves the current copper pattern on the screen
4 and 5 ; Change the colour to accept the copper bars (0-3) 0=background
The number on the left of colour 4 is the current colour.
6 ; So you don't forget who wrote it. ;-)
2 >>> From the CLI
If you type < mrcopper3.0 > then it will load the save as above
You can execute it with the following parameters :
mrcopper3.0 [colourset]:[register]
where :
'colourset' is the pattern number 00-25
00 ; White -> Purple
01 ; White -> Yellow
02 ; White -> Yellow (With Greys Bits!)
03 ; Blue -> Yellow
04 ; Blue -> Purple
05 ; Yellow -> Purple
06 ; Yellow -> Blue
07 ; Yellow -> Green
08 ; Red -> Blue
09 ; Red -> White
10 ; Red -> Cyan
11 ; Red -> Yellow
12 ; Red -> Purple
13 ; Purple -> Green
14 ; Green -> White
15 ; Green -> Purple
16 ; Green -> Red
17 ; Green -> Yellow
18 ; Pink -> L. Green
19 ; Blue -> L. Yellow
20 ; Horizontal Grey Bars
21 ; Horizontal Yellow Bars
22 ; Horizontal Red Bars
23 ; Horizontal Purple Bars
24 ; Horizontal Green Bars
25 ; Horizontal Grey, Yellow, Red, Purple And Green Bars
'register' is the register to accept the copper bars 0-7.
so to give the background a yellow - green fade :
mrcopper3.0 10:0
or to give a black - red fade on the window border (colour 3)
mrcopper3.0 07:3
OR New For Version 3...
mrcopper3.0 [top]:[bot]:[register]
With the given parameters MrCopper will graduate the Workbench from the
top colour (top) through to the bottom colour (bot) in the selected colour
register, 0 being the background, the rest being various parts of the
Workbench screen/windows.
'top' and 'bot' must be in the form RGB, where R is the Red component, G is
the Green component and B is the Blue component.
FFF - White, FF0 - Yellow, F80 - Orange, F88 - Pink, F0F - Purple...
So to graduate the Workbench from Purple to Black :
MrCopper3.0 F0F:000:0
Orange to Light Green :
MrCopper3.0 F80:8F8:0
(Unfortunatley the shading will be quite coarse (depending on the chosen
colours) as it is limited to 4-bits per component, as AGA 8-bits per
component aren't strictly system legal :( )
This program was written with GFA-Basic 3.5 and compiled using the
GFA-Basic Compiler 3.51E.
You can contact me at the following address :-
Paul Alan Freshney
8 Richmond Close
NG24 3EX
(C) Paul Alan Freshney 1995